Friday Again Already?

The Husband has always maintained that the older you are, the faster time seems to go.  I often feel that same way.

Christmas has come and gone.  We managed to find some joy in the experience.  Expectations are always beyond reality, it seems, for pretty much everyone.  I hope, each year, to have no expectations other than to remember our Savior's birth that is the reason for this massive celebration.

We had to make a trip out yesterday to pick up a small something that happened to be at a store at a mall.  I was dumbfounded.  A total mob scene.  Not a parking spot to be found and walking through to our destination it was shoulder-bumping-shoulder congestion.

It made me sad.  The day before was filled with gifts galore.  And here we are, next day, out shopping for more stuff - none of which is really needed.  How grateful I am for that feeling of content I so hope for all year long.  We were able to see each member of our family over the holiday, and managed to (I hope) express our love for each of them.  That makes for a happy heart.

Pretty green growing things.
I have been invited to accompany a sister when she sings in church on Sunday.  It was with an apprehensive attitude I agreed.  She takes voice from the same vocal coach as everyone else in the Ward.  Once again I approach the piano with reluctance and dread:  her music arrangements (in this instance "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear") lack maturity, a pretty melody, support for the voices and a complete lack of appropriate interpretation of the entire song (lyrics and music).  (Not to mention how absolutely boring the accompaniment is.) This arrangement exactly mimics the one from two weeks ago:  same music, different words/song.  How I wish we could have someone sing something uplifting. Music is such a treasured gift from our Heavenly Father.

And how contrary I am: speaking all the time of gratitude and contentment and then in practically the same breath critically assailing someone else's attempts to enrich our world.  Not a good thing.

I received this pretty terrarium for Christmas.  I so love green growing things in our house.  Hopefully this one requires the same level of care that I am able to give it and it will thrive in spite of me.

Now, on to the rest of my day - puttering around here is my favorite.

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