Myriads Of Things Running Through My Mind

And I imagine I should put some sort of filter on them.  Just because I'm thinking something doesn't mean I should put it out there.  But then again, isn't that kind of what this forum is for?  So, here goes.

We interacted yesterday morning with someone who appeared to have not one iota of a sense of humor. We barely managed to coax a smile out of him.  I puzzled over that for quite some time.  How sad for him to miss out. Humor/laughter/a-sense-of-fun is truly one of life's blessings.

I continually marvel at the creativity of people.  How fortunate they are to be endowed so.  Trying not to envy.

Attempted to banish thoughts of rejection from my heart when I found I wasn't invited to a party (one I have been invited to in the past).  Now, I'm serious when I say I'm anti-social.  I don't really care for social obligations.  But somehow, when you're invited you feel like you matter.  When you are excluded from such situations, you feel just that:  excluded.  Unimportant.  Not worth their time.  I so dislike the trend in this area of certain "classes" of women who convey the message that they are above the rest of us. The gospel of Jesus Christ is one of inclusion.  All are welcome.  All have a place therein.  I wish that philosophy were practiced more.

Went to the symphony last night.  I hope to always remember the sweet reverent feeling throughout the hall when the guest artist played Silent Night on his trumpet.  I didn't know that a trumpet could sound so mellow, rich, smooth and full.  Lovely.

To dinner tonight with some dear friends, and our son and his girlfriend.  Delightful.  And the food at Carrabba's remains a favorite of mine.

We have enough, and more.
Took a quick snapshot of our Christmas tree, remembering how I used to long for lots and lots of gifts under our tree because it meant we were affluent enough to purchase lots of "things".  Such a contrast to my present attitude.  I have come to believe Christmas gifts should be a token of love, not an obligation nor a competition.  I have always tried to find something meaningful to the recipient.  I am sometimes successful in that endeavor, and sometimes not.  How fortunate we are to live in such abundance.

Was totally touched by an article in this morning's newspaper by one of my favorite columnists.  He related an experience where he gave a candy necklace to a small child/friend.  How he watched her through a church meeting busily doing something on her lap.  How after church she handed him her project:  a thank you picture/note.  And when he mentioned to her that she hadn't yet eaten her candy necklace she said she wanted to say "thank you" first.  To render thanks before fully enjoying the gift is an awesome attitude.  And an awesome example.  At 62 years of age I still have much to learn.

Tomorrow morning will find me accompanying a young lady as she sings in Sacrament meeting.  I am on pins and needles for this one.  I have accompanied this young lady several times in recent months.  I have yet to like the arrangements she chooses.  Her voice coach is her arrangement composer; I dislike her style.  I dislike what she does to hymns and Christmas carols.  It thus becomes a challenge to me to impose a sense of worship-through-music when I play her songs.  The best I can do is be fully practiced and prepared, approach my playing with gratitude for my ability to serve in this very small manner, and pray that somehow Heavenly Father's spirit will communicate His message.  I will trust in Him.

And I have felt an awareness that as I often feel frustration and discouragement at the people around me, I must irritate and annoy other people as well.  It is an amazement that people get along at all.

Tonight's gratitude:  That even at 62 there is hope for me to still learn, grow and hopefully implement better behavior in my actions.

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