
A few starlings left.
Reading the newspaper this morning, the house was quiet.  No electronics on, and I was alone.  After several moments the raucous noise of birds penetrated my concentration.  Moving carefully and as stealthily as I could manage (which wasn't very stealthy) I went outside to see dozens and dozens of starlings decorating the two cottonwood trees in our yard.  (I did provoke numerous birds to fly off, in spite of my efforts not to.) They're such a nuisance bird, we dislike them.  I have to say, though, it was kind of fun to find them having a morning confab in our trees.  I so wondered what was on the agenda...

Our oldest son's birthday is today.  I wish we could see him.  Alas, not a realistic wish.  Though I hope he knows he is loved and cared for and that our hearts are singing happy birthday wishes to him.

I've communicated with each of our four children today - not a usual occurrence.  How it warms my very core to hear from them, get hugs and feel their care.

And I loved this sign I saw.  My own interpretation is that to wear a crown would mean I was royalty. And I am, in a way - because I am a daughter of God.  That's pretty significant.  That means I must act with dignity and kindness at all times.  It means I look for and see the invisible crown on the heads of everyone else, regardless of their looks, means or station.  It means that no matter how uncomfortable I am (in the company of any person) I can find the one way we are alike:  Heavenly Father loves us all.  I hope I shall remember to look for the crown on everyone around me.  I'm pretty sure it could make a difference.

And the anticipation:  The Husband will shortly be winging his way home, and none too soon.  I have missed him, it never gets any easier - and for that I am grateful.  Grateful that our hearts are so inter-twingled.

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