
Thinking about what The Husband related to me yesterday after he returned from Stake Priesthood meeting.  We remember a couple years ago, when a counselor in the Stake Presidency lost his son to a drug overdose.  The Husband learned yesterday in the meeting that about that same time the counselor's son (returned missionary, married in the Temple) announced he was atheist.  What followed was the expected self- (parenting) doubt, the guilt, the pain and all the other accompanying emotions.  In spite of all that, the counselor steadfastly declared he would defend to the death his son's right to choose. How profound - and aligned with our Father's plan.  Far too many relationships suffer (and perhaps die) because of far too many people that just don't "get" that concept - who coerce/control others to bend to their own particular standard (of behavior or thought or whatever).  The Husband calls this Plan B.  My admiration for this man (and yes, all who allow others their agency) increased.

Makes for easier clean up
And on a lighter note:  after an expensive trip to Costco on Saturday morning, The Husband fixed ribs for dinner.  There was plenty - to share and to have 3 meals from.  I found myself (the entire weekend) feeling grateful for foil.  We don't often use lots, but when we utilize it, it makes life so much easier.

This afternoon will be spent vacuuming the church building, there will be another funeral there this week.  Sigh...

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