Little Things

New empty shelves
Now a place for everything
We've lived in our house for nearly 13 years, so twelve years of being frustrated by my vacuum cupboard.  Spent a few hours a couple Saturdays ago looking for something suitable to help with my frustration.  The Husband finally found something and today was the installation day.  Three small shelves.  Total cost: roughly $30 (not a huge sum in the entire scheme of things).  Result: immediate and complete absence of frustration.  Now I have spots for things that belong together.  YAY for small things that feel like big things!

Talked the other day with a friend who is trying to "eat healthy" for her multiple health issues.  Hard to do with three small (picky eater) girls and a husband.  We commiserated about how hard it can be.  She mentioned that she allows herself a teensy bit of "cheating" on the weekends so as to not get fed up and completely throw in the towel/ give up.  I said we kind of do the same thing, but that I couldn't call it "cheating" on the weekend.  That created too much of a mental block for me, don't like the negative connotation.  So we call it a reward for a week of good work.  So, after 24 days of fairly stringent-nearly-no-carb (at least no unwise carbs) it was with a sense of surprised delight that I watched The Husband turn the car toward our favorite bakery - Bake 360.  He came away with a kouign aman and my reward was a chocolate croissant.

My tastebuds were in heaven.  We savored every single bite.  And now, on to another week of careful intake.  We both feel better, The Husband is sleeping much more quietly (I often wake up and lean over to hear his breathing since he is no longer snoring), The Husband has lost about 8 pounds and progress has begun.  It will not be an easy or short journey, which only serves to remind me of something The Husband is fond of saying, "The journey is the reward."  It will be a rewarding journey for however long it takes.

Yay for new shoes!
Today's gratitude is for the gift of new walking shoes.  My previous ones are worn out.  At least on the bottom. I can tell a difference in the way I walk in them.  Don't care for the color of the new ones (they were the only ones in my size) but it matters not - they'll be worn out in another six months.  (I figured these last ones have roughly 600 miles on them.) And gratitude for finding shoes that help my feet.  Such an improvement in the last 6 months!

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