Weekend Events

Peonies in process.  YAY!
Monday morning's assessment declares the weekend was a mixed bag.

Started Saturday off playing for a baptism.  Always am delighted to do so.  However....for the last three baptisms I've played for, they've had me play for someone to sing during the meeting.  Without any practicing!! They ask if I can.  Then as I'm playing prelude, they bring the singer over to meet me and it's go from there.  It has turned out ok.  But I'm thinking with even just one previous run-through it could be so much more.  I'm uneasy going into things "blind".

Friday night's symphony was fabulous.  I so loved it.

Friday afternoon's movie: Noah.  As The Husband put it:  it was stoopid.  And I agree.

My car was dealt a glancing blow by some tall-heavy-shelves-on-wheels at IFA (we were picking up the season's lawn food).  Hesitated about reporting it but decided to go ahead and do so.  It's not a huge ow-ie - could have been so much worse if I hadn't moved the car as much as I was able in the split-second between seeing those wind-propelled shelves heading to my car and figuring out what to do.  (I'm not a seriously quick thinker.)  They're sending out an insurance adjuster.  Don't want my car to have a rust spot where the paint is gone.

Someone made it a point to say hi to me yesterday as I was playing prelude in Primary.  Loved that little bit of recognition.

Saturday afternoon's movie:  Veronica Mars.  I so dislike crass stuff.  Expected much better based on the reviews.  Can't trust those reviewers, think I'll start my own review site.

Saturday evening's LDS General Women's meeting.  Was taught to be a disciple of Christ.  I want to be one.  I try.  My heart is committed to follow Him.  My emotions/behavior are somewhat slow in their development.  I'm counting on His love and mercy - the atonement has already paid for so much.

Had reinforced again that communication/knowledge provides power.  Can succeed better at so many unexpecteds if one is forearmed with knowledge, if communication takes place.

Spent the morning on the trail.  Had to come home and find a tutorial on my new phone camera.  I love my phone.  What a luxury to have something new I've picked out.  Now I'll work on those picture taking skills that are so lacking.

Today I'm hoping that Heavenly Father continues to be patient with my faults.  That my family will be tolerant of me.  That somewhere along the line I will learn to be kind, loving, gracious, well-mannered, cheerful, true.......and that's only a partial list.  It will be a steep learning curve.

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