
Snapped this on my morning walk.  Lovely.
Went yesterday to get the estimate on repairing my car from Saturday's attack by run-amok shelves.  $809.  (For a very small ow-ie.) Within hours I received a phone call from the insurance company with the joyous news of full payment by them.  I'm still shaking my head in amazement at the speedy, kind manner in which this has been handled.  Of course, I will be anxious until the check arrives and clears.  Still, it's been amazingly easy.

I've been a fan of Nancy E. Turner's books since "These Is My Words."  It remains a favorite of mine. This week I've been immersed in her latest offering, "My Name Is Resolute." (I'm even drawn by the title character's name: Resolute.  It fits her.)  Lengthy at 580+ pages I've enjoyed them all (although I'm only at 450 pages.  Long book, small print, want to devour every word (not skim read) so hours of reading.

I loved this little bit:  "Never forget, either of you, that there is always something greater than yourselves at work in the world.  Look for it.  Seek the whole truth, rather than letting the wind blow you as it will."

Wise words.  Ones that we should all heed, no matter who we are.

Life is full of challenges - of all sizes. Often ones that seem flung ceaselessly at us until our very hearts and souls are bruised and wounded.  An additional challenge, then is to stand firm, be steadfast, aware of who is truly in command of this world, charging forth to enact His will. We shall pass the test.

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