
These are the ones that perfume the air!
I listened the other morning to a fairly lengthy news-piece about spite and spiteful behavior.  The subject has continued to circle in my mind.  The guest "expert" (of what I never heard) seemed to endorse such behavior as a good thing for society.  And maybe, in whatever frame of reference he was thinking, it is.

I, however, am inclined to disagree.

I keep thinking about the talks (and there was more than one) we heard over the weekend about kindness.  We were exhorted to be kind to one another.  I fail so often at this.  I think I shall long remember the story of a woman who refused a neighbor (with whom she had long-standing disagreements) permission to take a short cut across her property.  (I thought it was impressive he had requested permission.) She refused, requiring him to take the long way around.  She said she was sorry, that she wished she had a second chance to be kind.

We often do have second chances to be kind.  There are as many chances to be kind as there are interactions with others.  We can be kind first, in return or just because.

I need to remember this - and act on it:  Be kind.  It matters.

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