Funeral, Again

We must have been thinking alike...
Tuesday night I received a phone call from The Bishop who asked me to lead the music for the funeral on Saturday.  I was ok with that.  This morning has been a flurry of phone calls.  As of this moment, I will be playing a solo (I think), accompanying a singer (maybe two) and leading no songs.  We'll see what the rest of the day brings.  I am always happy to help.  Particularly when the askee/mourning survivors are people I care about.  Why is it that it's so much easier to help someone you love?  (I guess I should love everyone and then it would always be easy.)

Picked up my partner to go visiting teaching this morning - and WOW - we were dressed pretty much exactly alike.  We even have fairly similarly shaped (old lady round) bodies.  Just had to take this picture.

Starting to feel jittery.  Or is it a tad stressed?  Worried about playing for the funeral, getting stuff done for Sunday and preparing for an upcoming trip.  However will I keep my sanity?  Oh, yeah, right.  That left a long time ago.  :^)

Update:  further phone calls, songs changed, re-decided, purchased and I have two new songs to learn/polish for Saturday.  Practicing (and anxiety)
Perfect cake for today - & tomorrow!
has commenced and will continue till the very walls (and hopefully my fingers) are permeated with the notes.

The Husband brought me a treat.  He knows how much I love these cake-letts.  He made a special effort to acquire them sans frosting.  What a delight he is!

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