Good News (mostly)

Hawthorne in our yard.
Finally was able to get in to see my dentist for that broken crown.  Have fretted and dreaded and fussed - I have such a dentist/dental-work phobia.

Came away so very relieved.  He smoothed off the sharp edge and said I could just go on my merry way (being careful of course, of eating hard things on that tooth).  So for today, it's good.  It will, eventually, require replacement. But until then I can relax a bit.  That was a good way to start a Tuesday.

Celebrated a grandson's 14th birthday.  We've all noticed his voice deepening over the last month or so.  He's growing up - like the rest of them.  How we love our grandchildren! Also saw a few of the other grandchildren and received hugs and smiles and conversation all around. 'Twas good for our hearts and souls.  We're so glad Heavenly Father created grandchilluns!

Heard a comment the other day that someone "always disappoints."  Made me sad...sad that someone is viewed that way, that it's noticed, that it could be true.  Made me more determined than ever to do my best - for He who matters the most.

We planted this tree a few days before my Mom passed.  I always think of her when I see it.  And while she fell short as a mother in so many, many ways, I understand that those are my judgements of her.  As I have experienced more years in my life I have come to believe / acknowledge she did the best she could. And recognize that Heavenly Father sent me to be mothered by her for fulfillment of His plan.

I am grateful for prayers that are answered - even when the prayer is for something relatively insignificant in the whole scheme of things (or very specific for one situation, one person, one time).  It prompts enhanced confidence (and a greater awareness) of the blessings we constantly receive.  I love that we can pray and have faith that our prayer will be heard and answered.

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