
Our beautiful hawthorne.
I am surrounded by greatness.  By high-powered, well-educated, brilliant, successful, famous, (or at least well-known) individuals who gravitate towards others of their status.  Money is evident.  Names are often dropped.  Places visited are mostly exotic.

Why then, am I here?  Is there a place in this world for an ordinary homemaker, married young, without higher education, fame, money?  What causes people to take the path to greatness while others simply trod along, trying their best? And frankly, is one path better than the other?

We were (sort of) discussing this at Women's Conference after listening to a wholly enriching and uplifting talk by a woman, who though she wanted, has never married or had children of her own. Would she have been so inspiring (the question was posed) had her life taken that traditional marriage/family route?

I often wonder if Heavenly Father is disappointed in me that I'm just an ordinary soul.  I will eventually depart this world leaving barely a ripple in my wake.  Having accomplished little in regards to earthly rewards.

If I leave any sort of legacy, I hope it will be remembered that I did my best.  It might not measure up to someone else's best, only my own.  I hope kindness will be remembered.  And that I loved deeply.

Came across this quote the other day and loved it. I think he's right.  Hopefully my life's actions reflect this - at least in some small part. Even though I'm just an ordinary person.

“The great secret, Eliza, is not having bad manners or good manners or any other particular sort of manners, but having the same manner for all human souls: in short, behaving as if you were in Heaven, where there are no thirdclass carriages, and one soul is as good as another.”

― George Bernard ShawPygmalion & My Fair Lady

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