Sometimes Things Just Work

Only 10:30 this morning and it has already been a whirlwind of a day.

Set my mental alarm for 5:45 - woke up at 5, knew I had 45 more minutes of sleep, so I slept that 45 minutes then was wide awake and ready to roll.  Hit the trail for a bike ride.  That meant a bit over an hour of mostly solitary thinking / praying / waking up.  After only 10 minutes of riding came up on a couple male deer (antlers and all!) just standing watching the parade of people pass by.

However did I manage to catch this picture?
Further on, I spied movement up on the RR track that parallels most of that particular trail.  Sure enough, more wildlife.  This coyote was careful to keep his distance from me, although I was amazingly lucky to catch this shot of him trotting along.  Especially considering I had to stop my bike, dismount, fumble with the zipper on the little bag suspended from under the bike seat, pull out my phone, launch the camera and then find the coyote.  Love, love, love seeing the beautiful creatures.

Having observed The Husband's herculean struggles to renew his driver's license a few weeks ago, I decided to be proactive in my own quest for driver's license renewal.  Visits to the DMV can be frustrating and wearing.  I went online, made an appointment and filled out the application.  Entering the building built my apprehension - it was crazy busy.  The large room was filled with people, only a small handful of chairs were empty, all the windows were busy. Thinking I should have brought my book I took my place in line prepared to be there for...ever.

Once I was processed I was fast-tracked (because of my appointment).  Didn't ever even darken the seat of a chair with my backside.  Having the proper documentation was also key.  I walked out of the building one minute before my appointment time.  Whew!  I love it when a plan comes together.

Now I can renew my soon to expire passport.

The rest of the day will be rather mundane after the exciting morning:  laundry, stitching, reading, keeping an eye on the news for the hurricanes in the Atlantic (yes, it's early but we're already enthusiastically anticipating our post-Labor Day trip to the beach).  But it will be the kind of ordinary that I will enjoy.

Today's gratitude:  for my ability to drive - to get where I want, mostly when I want, and pretty much how I want whenever the whim strikes.  Not looking forward to when I'm told I can't drive anymore. I love that independence.

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