
This has been the strangest August ever.  I don't think our air conditioning has been on for a week  - maybe more.  First it was the "monsoon" moisture (which they say is a weather pattern, not specifically storms) then it was a series of storms.  We've had lots and lots of rain.

We stood on the front porch for a bit last evening watching the lightning show in the sky - followed, of course, by the thunder, sometimes nearly simultaneously.  Our family includes members who lovelovelove the rain/lightning/thunder.  It really was exhilarating to see. (Though I was relieved when The Husband made it home from his meeting with the ginormous umbrella intact and it hadn't acted as a lightning rod!)

Unusual mist.
Since it was so wet out this morning my twice-a-week walking partner begged off and I got to walk alone.  Chose to walk the circuit to the library and home - returning books validated my need for a morning walk.  Reached the park and couldn't figure out why the sprinklers were creating such dense water.  Only to find as I walked closer it wasn't the sprinklers but a heavy mist the likes of which I've only seen when we've visited the east / south.  Even though it dissipated the closer I got I still managed to capture the flavor with my phone.  (When I returned home our weather station registered 94% humidity.  Yes, really, in Utah.)

Yet another lovely sunrise.
I read an article in this morning's paper by a young mother - whose editorials I don't often read. Today I mostly liked what she wrote as she explained the things she considered / hoped for as her daughter starts the school year.  She emphasized the need for kindness.  I enjoyed her thoughts - and agreed with her - more than I expected to.  Since we have several grandchildren starting new schools this year she struck a chord with me.

I'm grateful I read her words on kindness.  They were a reminder to me that I need to be kinder and less frustrated with those who seem to lack the desire to put others first.  It prompted me to sit down and write a note to a sister we visit teach, who can be a challenge, and be kinder than I am naturally wont to be.  I'm grateful there are others who value kindness.  I hope my loved ones run into those who do - and practice that same attribute.

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