Flowers and Stitches

• Had a lovely walk by myself this morning - perfectly cool and the morning quiet provided nourishment to my spirit.

• Walked past these morning glory plants.  When I was a youngster I loved the morning glory - the way they'd be open early.  I loved their colors against the green.  Now I understand what a nuisance they can be.  (The Husband theorizes there's a mother morning glory plant somewhere deep in the earth from which all surface morning glories spring.  He despises them since they are near impossible to eradicate and encroach pretty much everywhere.)  I still like them - their shape, the colors - they're a happy flower.

• I have an issue with my phone.  Yes, it's a smartphone.  So smart it corrects my words and spelling when I text.  Which often is fine, the person I'm texting can manage to get the gist of my message in spite of an over zealous auto-correct.  But for some unknown reason my phone refuses to let me enter "hope".  It always replaces it with the word "hippie".  I use the word hope quite a lot.  Hippie - not so much, if ever.  Even when I go back and fix hippie to hope my phone will still change it.  What message is the universe sending me?  (If anyone in my small circle gets a text from me that says "hippie" just translate it to "hope" and we'll be fine.)

Perfection eludes me.
• I've been working on a project.  I'm sort of a fussbudget about my sewing - always a bit frustrated by my inability to make things perfect.  I'd love to be an expert needlewoman (maybe in my next life?) but it just isn't in me - I haven't the ability to achieve that level of skill, wishes notwithstanding.  I love counted cross-stitch for the precision the medium allows.  Always thought that stamped cross-stitch was for less competent stitchers.  What little I knew!  The ink and the threads will never conspire to be perfect - ain't gonna happen, no way. I'll finish this project but will be somewhat embarrassed to present it as a gift.  In spite of doing my very best (and laboring many hours) , it will look somewhat amateurish.  Perhaps the recipient will be able to look past the attempt and see the love I shared with every pass of the needle.

Today I'm grateful to see a friendly neighbor at the store and be welcomed with a smile and quick chat. Kind souls will ever be needed and sometimes seem in too short supply. I'm grateful an for offer of a place to stay should we venture to explore across the pond.  I'm grateful for Heavenly Father's creation of hugs.

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