My Thoughts Are All Over The Place

Sitting in Primary yesterday, waiting for my turn at the piano - lost in my thoughts - I suddenly realized my sweet little bespectacled friend was standing in front of me waiting to get my attention.  Just standing there. Waiting.  Patiently.  She was most anxious to tell me about her two cousins visiting with her and how fun it was. She has such a delight for life!  I love that she's always ready to share that delight with me.  It totally brightened my Sunday.

Headed out earlier and stopped at a farm-stand.  I so love that experience.  There's something "grounding" about being able to purchase seasonal food grown locally direct from the harvest.  It somehow feeds something in my soul. And then later feeds my body.  I guess that connection is for my whole being.  Sound sappy? Yes, perhaps it does.  But it just feels good to me.  (A favorite memory: driving through South Carolina and buying the most ginormous fresh peaches - and being frustrated at the wasted juices dripped down my arms and onto the ground.  I can almost taste it still.)

Went for a walk this morning - it was howling wind but I could have walked in it forever.  Rounded a small corner of the trail and came upon this grave - new since last week.  Once again, I wished to know the whole story.  I imagine someone carefully placed their pet under that pile of rocks.  Tugged at my heart a little.  (But then the cynic in me wonders if it isn't just some kids fooling around. My heart and my reason are often at odds with each other.)  

It's almost soup season!

Paint the interior of the house?  Or splurge on a once-in-a-lifetime trip across the pond?  It frightens me to even think of it.  Then my reason steps in and says why not?  Be adventuresome!  Make some brand new memories!  The Husband is much braver than I.  

I'm grateful today for middle of the night storms that remind me how snug and safe I feel inside our comfortable home.  For rain that nourishes the earth.  For gorgeous sunrises.  For roses.  And for arms that hold me tight and ease some heart-pain.  For selflessness.

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