Another Monday

And this Monday has been virtually trouble-free compared to last Monday.

The weekend was fun - The Husband arrived, we enjoyed a late dinner; Saturday was spent doing yard work & house work.  Went to a movie and dinner with friends.  Sunday was church - regular and extra meetings - the Primary program is an annual treat. I needed those couple days with non-stop Husband time.

Wind-driven afternoon clouds.
This morning I was up early and out on the trail (although mentally cursing Daylight Savings Time - I so dislike it!) Had a lovely 4 mile walk (in spite of the troublesome tendon in my foot) while I watched the sun turn the bottoms of the clouds lovely shades of pink, coral, orange and yellow.  No camera can adequately capture it!

I've managed to get a few things done, run an errand, deliver a birthday card and still have an hour or so to indulge my reading hobby.

I'm grateful for people who are kind to my children, for tender hearts that easily express love, for a late-evening-impulse-purchase of potato chips (a rarity for us) and for the beautiful skies that turn our eyes (and sometimes even our hearts) to heaven.

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