I'm Too Old

• Somedays it just feels like I'm too old/too dumb to learn anything new.  The Husband is uber savvy (educated and experienced) in computerese.  Me?  Not so much.  I know I frustrate the heck out of him because I'm so inept.  He'll impart some wisdom and it's completely "greek to me!"  Things aren't improved when my ineptitude rears its ugly head while he's busy working - making a living for my benefit.

Change not necessarily progress.

• Just a few short weeks ago this field was full of tomatoes and squash and melons and pumpkins.  This row of trees (that are now felled and covering the ground) bisected the field.  I fear the trees are coming down to make way for a subdivision.  I will miss that field, loved the rural feel it lent to the neighborhood.

• Was loaned this cute book to read.  I loved being exposed to new words and concepts.  I'm certain the word Vacilando was coined just for The Husband.  He's espoused the concept of "Enjoy The Journey" the entire time I've known him.

• And have been thinking lately of an interaction I had with the Relief Society president on Sunday. I've had a concern I've waffled on sharing with her. (I'm not generally in favor of causing issues.) She initiated a conversation during which I tried to avoid spilling my emotions.  Eventually I told her. Her response continues to occupy my mind.  She said she was grateful that I told her.  If I don't tell her she doesn't know.  And while I'm not asking for change or solutions, she will make it a matter of prayer and perhaps be able to work something out for everyone's benefit!  Wow!

I've known numerous R. S. presidents over my lifetime.  I don't recall a single one speaking to me in such a concerned sincere manner.  Should the situation remain unchanged, my heart will long remember her kindness and the serious way she attended my (very small) burden.

• Woke up this morning to an outside temp of 28 degrees.  Finally broke down and turned on the furnace.  I so dislike doing that, it means 6 months of high heating bills - although I am so very grateful for a snug warm house.

I'm grateful for those who have patience.  (I often "try" that attribute.)  I'm also grateful for plenty of things to do that keep me productive.  For the ability to walk into my local grocery and leave with bags full of sustenance.  I'm grateful we have some fun plans for Thanksgiving, it's nice to have something to look forward to.

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