Friday That Finds Me Behind

Woke up at oh-dark-thirty this morning, not enough light for getting out on the trail so I waited.  Felt like I waited forever.  (I'm scared of the dark, don't like being out there alone in it.) Finally was able to get out on my bike.  What a delightful time I had, it's been weeks since I was able to be out on the trail by myself.
Geese and duck friends.

I watched a group (gaggle?) of geese fly in and land on this little pond with the ducks.  Awesome to watch!  Was able to re-acquaint myself with the trail and the goings on I noticed as I rode along. Best way ever to start the day!

Last night we fulfilled our invitation and attended the annual gala of Utah Clean Energy.  They served food and provided networking opportunities for people interested in preserving/enhancing our planet's resources.  For the second year, they also awarded individuals who have contributed in some way.

Well Deserved Recognition!
The Husband (and his trusty cohort) were presented the grand award of the evening for their successful fight against Rocky Mountain Power's greedy effort to charge residential solar customers additional fees for having solar.  (No, the fight isn't over, but the first conflict was defeated - due in no small measure to The Husband and the organization he founded.)  The attorney for UCE was eloquent and kind in her presentation.  (I managed to get a cute picture of the three of them smiling brightly - it's a treasure!)

I am so very pleased for The Husband.  He and his friend deserve the recognition. Countless hours were expended - in an extraordinary community outreach effort by The Friend and the numbers analysis by The Husband.  I was honored to be there with the two of them.

Rare view of a beloved building.
The meeting took place on the top floor of the Zion's Bank building.  With views I rarely am privileged to see.  It was totally impossible to get a shot without the reflection on the windows, try though I did.

Tomorrow will be a full day - our turn to clean the chapel again, dividing the peonies (the ones I refused to give up on are thriving!) a bit (hopefully more than just a bit) of scraping in preparation for painting, defrosting the freezer, a few chores.  I'm looking forward to most of it, I love doing that kind of thing with The Husband.

I'm grateful for much today - for good health (so as to accomplish all those things requiring our attention) for beautiful flowers, for a snug place to dwell, for kind people, for a bike that allows me to exercise when my foot isn't quite better, for the full moon and the gorgeous sunrise.  And for soup.

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