Post Weekend

It sure feels like the weekend went w-a-y too fast.  The highlight was, of course, General Conference.  I don't very often head into Conference expecting answers to questions, mostly I just want to feel the Spirit, to be uplifted and encouraged.  This time there were a couple times when I felt like they were talking right to me:  when they talked about being kind (which was mentioned more than once) to everyone, at all times, in all places.  Of course that reminded me of being a witness of Christ - at all times in all places.  What better way to witness of Him than to spread His love through our actions?

I loved the encouragement/admonition to be careful with our choices.  I love the quote from 2 Nephi 31:20 about being steadfast (one of my favorite words) and having a "perfect brightness of hope". There is much to think about in the aftermath of conference, many ways to implement a higher standard of living.  I have much work to do.

I was lucky enough this morning to be out on the trail - limiting myself to 30 minutes of walking each day this week.  It isn't near enough for my mental health, but s-o-o much better than not walking at all.  (Although I'm back in the dreaded boot - 90% improved is still shy of 100% better and I must safeguard the progress I've made so as to not backslide!)

Lots of seeds in the maples!
Stood back to back with the Grandson yesterday - and yep, he's done it - he's topped my height.  I love that he's taller than me, he's a great young man.

Our maple trees have lots of seeds - that's great news for their survival!

Tradition has me making lasagne (a rarity - it's so blasted expensive!) for October General Conference Sunday dinner.  Went overboard in my intake, it just tasted so very good.  Spent a miserable night with an over-over-over-full tummy.  Yes, today is a new day and with luck (and some extreme self-restraint) I won't over eat again.  I so dislike feeling that way.  (And my clothes really dislike the extra poundage!)

The sun is shining, the temperatures delightful, I have a list of things to accomplish (I really enjoy being productive) and I'm planning for a good week.  I plan to be kind as well. 

And my daily gratitude:  for those who greet me with love.  For spiritual weekends.  For trees that seem to be holding their own, even though they're struggling against viruses and strange weather patterns, I love their shade.  For hope. 

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