
Have spent some time today tidying up my sewing room.  What fun I have just puttering around in here.  Noticed several unfinished projects I started, then tucked away for some future project-needing time and then forgot about.

I went through a period of time when I doggedly and determinedly finished every single project I started.  While it felt good to have stuff finished, it somehow dimmed my enjoyment in the process. Then I went through a time when I'd start a project and when I had learned / mastered enough to satisfy me I'd cheerfully toss the rest aside.  That left me unfulfilled and unhappy about spending money on something I never finished.

Now I pretty well try to finish what I've started but don't get bothered when I no longer have an interest.

This whole process of life on this earth is a sort of project we are working on, valiantly laboring toward that finish.  Refining and mastering parts of us that need polish and luster.  I imagine our souls sparkling more and more as we conquer our faults and enhance our virtues.

How grateful I am for a loving Heavenly Father who doesn't abandon me as a worthless project.  I need His help.

I came across this card again - received it from my favorite person many years ago, but saved it not only for the written message inside, but because I love the picture and theme of contentment and love that is on the front.  I'm grateful for those who have talent to share.

How fortunate we are to have such beauty in and around us, projects to complete (or not), someone to love and hugs to receive.

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