Door #3

Ready for paint.
First thing this a.m. (as soon as it warmed up enough) I started in on the third exterior door frame. This one was by far in the worst shape.  The Husband has carved out some time here and there to do the prep work.  Knowing that our paintable days for the season are quickly dwindling I decided this was the week!

While the piano tuner worked on my much-loved piano, I taped and got the first coat of primer on. Waited the requisite 2 hours then applied the second coat of primer.  Tomorrow morning will find me working on the paint, once the sun comes up and the day warms.

The Husband mentioned that it seemed like I was enjoying the painting.  Aside from wishing I was a more accomplished/experienced painter, I think the thing I like is accomplishing something - particularly something that seriously needs doing. I like knowing that things are taken care of, that they'll be useful for longer because of attention. (Everything (or everyone?) needs some attentions at some time.) The actual painting?  Maybe not quite so much.

I did enjoy being out in the fresh morning air (missing my morning walks like I do).  Snapped this picture of our north cottonwood tree.  I can hardly believe we're into November and there are as many leaves still on the trees as there are.  Daytime temperatures are in the 60's and it is absolutely lovely. I find myself looking for things to do to take me outdoors.

Last night, dusting and cleaning off the piano in preparation for today's string tightening, I sat down for a bit and played some primary songs.  I so love the second verse to this sweet little tune:

"When I go to bed at night, I love to kneel and say,
Thank thee, Heav'nly Father, for blessings of the day."

I truly believe that each day contains blessings.  Sometimes they are easier to spot than others, but each and every day is filled with the miracle of life - in all forms.  I also loved this little quote I noticed:

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” — Cynthia Ozick

Today I'm grateful for the ability to maintain our home, for a job nearly finished, for something to look forward to this evening and for loved ones.

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