A Monday Without A Walk Isn't As Much Fun As A Monday With A Walk

First thing this morning found me on the elliptical as I try valiantly to promote some healing of my foot.  One of the things I treasure about my morning walks is being out in the fresh air, watching the sun rise.  I miss all of that when inside on the elliptical.  (However, I did manage to get in some serious reading time which is also a good thing.  I have, on numerous occasions, combined the reading and the walking outside, with good results.)

There really is snow up on the very tippy-top.
We had a couple gray days - spent puttering around here - Saturday afternoon after all the wood fill/sanding was done and yesterday before and after church.  I am such a homebody!  The result of all that gray weather is snow on our mountaintops.  I was out and about and had a stunning view - but couldn't really find a place to grab a snapshot - too many power lines in the way.  My back yard had to make do.  (A friend once remarked that she didn't understand why anyone would want to live in Draper because the mountains (tall hills, really) are so ugly compared.  True - compared to the canyons radiating from the entire valley they aren't all that lovely, but I have grown fond of them, they have their own kind of beauty.  I try to be grateful for all of God's creations.)
The last two.

I did get a picture of these two stubborn hollyhocks.  Our stairwell is in almost-full winter mode: fallen leaves/dying plants.  Yet these two (white and dark red) blossoms cling to life - fulfilling their designed creation:  providing beauty.  How I enjoy walking past the big window and seeing them.

The Husband received a call from a Draper City employee regarding an ill-marked trail/street intersection.  His input is resulting in ordered (and hopefully erected) signs and fresh paint across the street.  Way to go!  One person can make a difference.

Our sweet R. S. President stopped me yesterday - how delightful it is to (with a bit of hesitation) convey some emotions to someone and realize that they really "get" what you're saying.  She's a sweetheart and I'm grateful we've had enough interactions that I know she really does get it.

Been thinking a lot lately about people.  Ones we know and love and those we bump into as we travel through the day.  It's so easy for me to get grumpy.  And wish things would happen the way I think they should happen.  I may just live an extremely long life - it might take me a very long time to learn tolerance - that kind I expect (and hope to receive) from others.  I must be a big challenge to Heavenly Father. I'm so grateful He won't ever give up on me.

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