It's Been A While

Almost crocus in a nearby yard.
And it's been an interesting week.  After my visit to the hospital Monday evening I thought I was well on the road to recovery.  Instead I found myself mentally rebelling each time I took my medicine.  It made me sicker.  And then, I reacted to the medication.  My reaction was the one at the top of the list of warnings that included the additional warning if this thing occurs to stop taking the medicine and see your doctor.  Great relief accompanied my decision to stop the medication.  I managed to go to a play rehearsal and help clean the church building without too much discomfort.

View from our back gate Sat. 8:30 a.m.
Then just over 24 hours later my headache, earaches and teethaches returned with a vengeance, growing worse as time passed.  Ended up at the insta-care.  Another medication.  We'll see how this one works.  So far, so good:  teeth hurting - gone.  Headache and earaches greatly diminished.

I feel like I lost a week.  No energy (nor desire) to be part of the human condition.  Did nothing but lay around.  (Or is that lie around?  I'll never ever get that one right.) I was ornery, irritable and downright miserable.  And no fun to be around.

Exacerbating it all was my underlying unhappiness about being booted from primary.  My head understands all the whys-and-wherefores, my heart - not so much.  I know I'll be fine, I'm just grumpy about it.

Each weekend finds me reading a newspaper column - I'm not sure exactly how to describe what her column is about, but I always find something of value in what she writes.  This last one was about buying a fixer-upper-of-a-house and fulfilling its potential.  I loved this accompanying picture.

It got me to thinking about potential.  And if I'm selling my potential short.  Am I capable of more/better?  Of course I am.  As are we all.  Am I worth the effort required to fulfill my potential? Absolutely.   I'm grateful there are those who care enough to look past my sometimes less than gracious exterior to find some beauty in my underlying structure. And for the Atonement of our Savior that paid the ultimate price for all my shortcomings.

I'm grateful today for those who said kind things to me about my time (this last time around) in Primary.  For a kind soul who trekked all the way across the chapel to share some chatter and giggles with me. I'm grateful for little ones in Primary who unabashedly delight in singing at the top of their lungs (I will miss them).  I'm grateful for unselfishness.  For water and for sunshine.  And for medicine to clear up infections. And for someone that never ceases to convey to me that I am his treasure (I'll do my best to live up to that potential).

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