
Observed some very thoughtful kindness yesterday.  One of our ward sisters has a hereditary progressive degenerative hearing issue.  She manages to make it in to R. S. only about once every 6 weeks, because of her calling.  Yesterday saw the appearance of a microphone to pass around amongst the sisters and a wearable mic for the teacher.  Reception from the mic was limited to the headphones this sweet sister wore.  Everyone was careful to use the mic, we all wanted to make sure this sister could hear what was going on. That will remain a sweet memory for me.

Then along came this morning.  I remembered to take along carrots for the horses.  Even the horse-ladies received some.  I recall saying something to a horse that this was a great way to start a Monday - with a treat.  Whatever was I thinking?  I must have tempted the fates, it's been a tad downhill since then.

• I annoyed The Husband - misinterpreted his comment.

• Dropped my container of oatmeal, which exploded on contact with the floor.

• Shortly thereafter, tried to use some fingernail clippers.  They also exploded.

I'm thinking I ought to just head for a chair and stay there the rest of the day.  I'm reminded of a conversation we had last week.  I had mentioned that we rarely do things the easy way, that over the course of our marriage things have often been "complicated".  He said, oh, you're making lots of memories.  And proceeded to tell us a story from his past when a camping trip nearly de-railed because of a truck engine break-down.  His friend/rescuer encouraged him:  "You're making memories.  If everything on this trip went well, you wouldn't remember it.  It's because of the problems you'll remember this.  So, buck up, bud, you're making memories!"  He sounds like someone I'd like to know.

We received the bids this morning for a few things we really need to do around here.  Necessary things.  I'm just cringing at the thought of spending that much money. One of my least favorite things to do: spend money. I'll just have to face the music and get it done. (Hopefully it won't be very memorable.)

My walk did yield some lovely flowers.  Our lilacs shouldn't be this ready to bloom - we usually see them right around Mother's Day, and here it is still March.  The white flowers are from a small weeping tree of some kind down the street - they're really lovely.

So, here we are, not even noon and I think I've made enough memories for the day.  Hopefully the ones for the rest of the day will be more of the sweet, pleasant kind.

I'm grateful for thoughtful people.  For good memories in the making.  And for the chance to start anew each day.

Update:  4 p.m.  and I just returned from the grocery.  Was engaged in a conversation regarding the pros and cons of organic.  The whole encounter was so strange it just left me nonplussed.  Not only did she talk to me, question me and let my answer sway her purchase, then she continued to chat (holler?) at me long after I had wandered away.  The black cloud over my head must not be as visible as I thought. (Or maybe she was doing her best to dispel it?)

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