
I've never been much of a cook - haven't been too interested.  Just hasn't been my thing.  Lately, though, I've been tired of the same old, same old.  Been cooking the (mostly) same meals for nearly 45 years, ever since we were married.  Fortunately I'm married to someone who isn't too awfully picky about his food, and is happy to try anything new.  So tonight I'm trying something new - a chicken recipe from a dessert blog.  I guess we can't eat only sweets, though don't think I haven't tried that. (Stay tuned for the dump-or-keep the recipe assessment.)

Almost perfectly pink!
We really, though, attempt to eat very little sugar around here.  We definitely eat less sugary things than in years past.  Today, though, it was my pleasure to put together a birthday cake.  Just finished up the frosting. Now, I'm probably the most anti-frosting person there is. But if frosting is required, then it must be made-from-scratch.  I cannot abide that canned stuff. Today, I learned something new regarding chocolate frosting.  Fancy that.  I'm still learning.  At my advanced age.  Will wonders never cease! (Learned:  cream the cocoa powder and butter together before doing anything else, makes the frosting really smooth and creamy.  (And I'm probably the last person in the country to figure this out.)  Oh, and it helps to actually read / follow the recipe.)

Came home from my walk this morning and told The Husband that one of the bestest times to walk is the morning after a night of rain.  Absolutely heavenly.  I loved these irises.  The variegated ones are so pretty!

Our tri-color beeches have given us years of viewing pleasure.  We so love their spring finery.  I've been wandering past our large window for a couple weeks wondering out loud of this is going to be a bad year for those two trees.  They just looked....dull....brown.  We've had several days of sun / rain mix and since yesterday morning it seems the tree has turned a titch pinker by the hour.  It's starting to look glorious.  I so love it!

I'm so grateful for birthdays to celebrate.  And for early morning walks.

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