Pretty Much Caught Up

I worked and worked yesterday and managed to get all the critical things done.  Including errands. Yay for me!

Woke up this morning in a strange mood.  Wasn't interested in walking (that almost never happens to me!) or sleeping more, or doing much of anything.  Just wanted to lay there.  So I did...for a bit.

Decided later on that I really missed my morning walk.  I've been doing this so long that my day just doesn't feel right without my walk.  So off I headed to the library.  Had something to return and something to pick up and it's a beautiful day out.  Was passed on my way there by a young friend of ours from church.  He was skateboarding with a purpose, had somewhere to be.  Fun to see him!

Then, on my way home, I looked up and saw:  friends! A couple young mothers from our ward with their children (three between them).  I received welcome smiles all around, flirting from the little guy and kind conversation from the Moms.  How lucky they are to live near each other, and be able to go for walks together.  I don't really recall being in that position when our children were little.  I would have liked that.

Received this lovely cinerarium yesterday.  The Husband feeds my love of flowers.  Each time I walk in the room and see their burst of color it brightens my spirit.  Heavenly Father was so wise in his creation of blooms.

Remembered this morning that a ward member stopped me on Sunday.  She expressed thanks for the hymns that I have been choosing for Sacrament Meeting.  That totally took me by surprise. I guess maybe I can make a (very small) difference - I  did promise to do my best. If choosing familiar songs encourages our congregation to sing out their praises to Heavenly Father, then I shall continue that practice.  As much impact as good music makes to our souls, I'm convinced that heaven smiles when we raise our voices with joy.

I'm so grateful for inspiring music - when words combine with melodies to touch our very hearts.  I'm grateful for people who express kindness through words.  And for those who have magic in their fingers - whatever they touch just magically works / gets fixed / turns out beautiful.  I wish I had some magic, but since I can't I'm grateful I have access to someone who has those magic fingers.

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