Finally, The Oriole

 Isn't he pretty?  Haven't seen her enough yet to grab a shot.  He pretty much announces his presence when he lands on the feeder. (I took this through the window between the blind slats - blurry is the result of extreme cropping to get the detail.)

It's been so wet and cool and cloudy gray out that it's hard to remember that it's almost June and almost summer.  (Had my first apricots of the season yesterday and loved how the flavor made sunshine in my mouth.)  Thus, it seems odd to already see watermelon and corn in the produce section of the grocery.

I'm off to lunch with a friend.  It'll be nice to have someone to talk to.  That way The Husband won't feel so barraged with my excess words when he returns.

Today my goal is to be kind. (Kinder?) That means I must be out amongst people.  Better get on that.

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