Tuesday In (Mostly) Pictures

Yep, a pile of hail.
After seeing The Husband off to wing his way to the office in CA, I headed out to greet the day. Yesterday afternoon was the wildest craziest thunder/rain/hail storm I've seen in quite some time. We've had a lot of precipitation for which we are really grateful.  Still, though, I'm glad we've had a bit of sunshine today.

Mama and 6 ducklets.
Those rain gutters The Husband spent so much time cleaning over the weekend?  I think they're totally plugged up again. It seriously was a wild storm.  I managed to get this picture that doesn't really look like much, but in actuality is an inch or so of hail underneath the lilacs.  The geraniums took quite a beating but seem happy enough today.

This little mama duck was leading her charge of ducklings alongside me and the sidewalk.  It was so stinking cute.  Until the (stoopid) dogs came along and barked her away.  She flew in circles while the babes cheeped and fussed and she squawked till the dog hushed and she could shelter her darlings again.  She sat down and they all burrowed under her for a few seconds and one by one popped up on her sides.  I loved it.
Mama and baby cows.

Even the cows were out this morning, nurturing their two calves and mooing in the dawn.

Then I had to go back and take a picture of this bush.  I need a better camera to show the glistening raindrops decorating the leaves and stems.  It was pretty enough to catch my eye as I walked past.

The Orioles are back!  My efforts to catch a picture have so far been in vain, but I'm not done trying.

When The Husband is away I make sure I get out every day.  My head needs it.  Came home to a sweet email from someone I care about.  How lovely of her to think of me.
Love the sparkly drops.

I sat in church on Sunday feeling pretty low.  I know the reality is different, but often at church is where I seem to be surrounded by perfection.  And I suffer because I know of all my shortcomings.  Read a thing the other day by Tristi Pinkston regarding Mother's Day that has really given me food for thought.  So glad that she talked about Mom's perfection being viewed through the lens of love.  I needed her perspective.  And perhaps I should apply that perspective here.  No one at church is perfect.  It's a place for the wounded, the hurt, the repentant, the fault-filled.  A place of acceptance, welcome and lack of judgement.  I need to keep all of that, and more, in mind next time I feel so out-of-place there.

Today I'm grateful for a bit of sun.  For a sweet sister at the Temple who made a point of telling me she remembered The Husband and me from our former stake (it's been nearly 15 years) and said so with a sincere smile and how are you all doing.  There never will be enough kindness.  I need to do my part.  And I'm grateful for a job The Husband enjoys - how blessed we are in that regard.

1 comment:

  1. why do we let church attendance make our lives so dang Hard?
