
And what a great Friday it will be:  The Husband arrives home this afternoon!  Until then, I have some catching up to do - since I was gone all day yesterday -and lunch out with a friend.

Women's Conference yesterday was a delight.  Truly.  During the beginning session in the Marriott Center with me and 15,000 of my closest friends, we were encouraged to go out and "delight together."  I so loved that admonishment:  delight together.  What a fabulous way to live.

We didn't even take time for lunch, eating on the fly / standing in line between classes.  There were some lovely thought provoking words floating through the air just waiting for our hearts to reach out and grab them, hold them tight.

The weather was fabulous.  (Remembering past years when we trudged through the rain between classes - nowhere near as fun!)  There were more brownies around than I have ever before seen in one place.  And yes, I had a couple.  Along with a cookie and ice cream.  Women, when they're relaxed and enjoying themselves really do know how to consume those sweets.

There were lines everywhere:  at the vendor stalls, the eateries, for classes and - especially -  for the restrooms. And when the line for the restroom was simply too long for some to wait, they quickly ducked into the next restroom (for men only - and yes there were a few men around) in spite of signs warning them off.  Obedience isn't apparently a strong motivator when nature is not just calling but screaming its urgent message.

We laughed, we hugged, we chatted and chatted and chatted some more.  We worked on small "take and make" handwork which we often set aside to jot down a thought we wanted to always remember. We loved being together, the very air felt permeated with joy for life, for being a woman, and for our testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  None of us is even remotely perfect.  But I choose to believe that all of us were there for uplifting words, rejuvenation, encouragement and particularly with a desire to do better.  There is pretty much always room to do better.
Today's sunrise

Loved these iris.
This morning's walk provided me with an extension of that lovely mood I felt yesterday.  I even jumped out of my comfort zone and (very unusually for me) chatted with a stranger.  My walk often takes me past the high school in the early morning.  I nearly always see a man out walking the grounds with his bag, picking up trash.  I mentioned to him that I was pretty sure it wasn't in his job description. After he agreed that it wasn't but that "somebody has to do it" I told him I was impressed and that his good work was noticed.  Makes my heart happy to see someone doing something (completely unasked and without expectation of reward) to make their own small corner of the world as lovely as they can.  I think that small corner of his world is happy that he makes the effort.

Today I'm so grateful for opportunities to do better.  For uplifting experiences.  For sisters (all the females around me are sisters of one sort or another - blood relative, sisters as children of God, sisters in the gospel, sisters in spirit).  And especially for the love of our Heavenly Father. It gives me great hope.

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