July 1st

Woke up and changed my calendar over to this picture and decided I liked it - a lot!

Headed out on my walk over to return a book to the library, which is a whole different route than usual.  I was able to check on the peaches, pears and apples - those three trees right next to each other.  They're coming along nicely.  (So kind of that homeowner to leave those trees unfenced so I can enjoy looking at their fruit.)

Said good morning to the chickens.  And noticed several articles of clothing abandoned on the trail - including a pair of baby's knit pants and a single sparkly sandal.

Loved the sunrise. And especially loved that my favorite man walked out to meet me so we could share the last bit of my walk.

Now, I consider myself sort of a private person. I don't like to tell everyone everything.  Lots of things I keep to myself.  (At least I think I do, but maybe I'm not quite so private as I think.)  I think it's really important to pray before eating - to thank Heavenly Father for his bounty and ask his blessing on the food.  I'm quite comfortable doing it in the car in front of a restaurant or even before we leave the house.  Just not so comfortable doing it out in public:  it's a sacred thing to me, and it's hard to focus in a noisy busy environment.

So yesterday I went to lunch with my sweet visiting teacher.  Corner Bakery seems to be our go-to place.  When our food was delivered I picked up my fork and got ready to dig in (having blessed it just before she picked me up) when I noticed her bow her head for a quick prayer.  I was touched. She is a good example. (And we had a bit of a conversation about praying over our food in restaurants.)

I'm grateful today for sweet little girls who are so excited to get juice-boxes that they have to tell a complete stranger (that would be me) they met in the grocery store aisle all about it. (When I asked what they youngest's favorite flavor was, she proclaimed, "yellow!")

I'm grateful, also, for a refrigerator that's been re-filled with fresh produce and good things to eat that have been provided for our use by our Creator.  I'm grateful to know that I can (and do) talk with our Heavenly Father.  I'm grateful for good examples. And for a friend or two.

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