Church Thoughts

I tried to give away my church calling this morning.  Wasn't successful.  Multiple times serving as Ward Music Chair has given me experience - but mostly in frustration.  I still struggle with people whose approach to life is super lackadaisical, whose word is an exercise in casual commitment.  I need to be more accepting.

In another conversation this morning with a fellow church member I mentioned that I never want to disappoint Heavenly Father.  Her response:  "Awww, how sweet." Aside from her incredibly condescending manner, I was struck by her attitude that she needn't worry about that.  She is confident that whatever she does will be acceptable.

I always figured pretty much everyone is aware of how flawed we are as humans on this earth and how we must work hard to be free from issues that separate us from our Father in Heaven.  I am uncomfortably aware of my own faults and imperfections.  Was reminded of this quote in the Ensign that I read yesterday.  I love the quote.

And yes, it brings clearly to mind that judgement isn't mine to make - of people's attitudes, motives, actions, perspectives, thoughts or whatever.

I strive for wisdom to behave in a manner that will be acceptable to Heavenly Father.  My personal desire is to never disappoint Him.  "Sweet" or not, I believe it is a worthy goal.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you loud and clear. I am certain I do not belong in this world and often wonder if I really even belong in the church. I think so differently than most people on so many levels! Just because others think differently than you does not make you wrong!
