DEXA Scan / Music / Traffic

I feel like I'm caught between a rock and a hard place.  I love my piano and the music that comes out of it.  I love to accompany people when invited.  Have done it myriads of times over the last ?? years, since I was about 8.  

As Ward Music Chair it is my task to line up the musical numbers for mid-Sacrament meeting. Often, I ask people to sing (or whatever) who I have pretty much always accompanied in the past.  It is awkward.  I never want anyone to think they have to ask me to accompany them.  But it almost feels like I'm putting myself on the program because they usually do ask.  It's weird. 

(On a side note:  I'm still surprised that people assume I don't practice.  Or don't need to. It takes some time and energy to learn a new song, then adapt the piano part to the singer's particular style.  Can't always be done in 5 minutes (or even 24 hours) notice.  My life has often been put on hold while I've practiced for literally hours on end to get it just right.)

Ran over to get my bone density scan this morning.  Was asked again if I have a living will.  Or if I've traveled out of the country in the last 3 weeks.  Am I missing something here? What on earth does that have to do with an x-ray?  Or a mammogram?  It just baffles me.  (And yesterday was asked if I eat fruits and vegetables every day, if I wear my seatbelt, if I eat junk food every day.  I felt like I was about 5 years old being given some kind of test.) 

I really do know who I am.
It amuses/ puzzles me that I had to have a wristband to have the DEXA scan.  I was completely aware (not comatose) ambulatory and conversant.  I know who I am.  Didn't need a tag on my wrist to identify me.

And I'm curious?  How many copies of my driver's license (picture ID) are floating around out there? They just have to check to see that it's me, why do they need a copy - and a copy every single time?

I guess I'm just feeling rebellious today.  Wanted to holler at a couple drivers who behaved as though the streets exist just for their pleasure, the rest of us drivers are simply "noise".  I didn't holler, just came home and vented on The Husband, poor guy.  

And I have an additional goal.  To use fewer words (though you'd never know it by the length of this post).  My childhood years were replete with the admonition to stop talking (not usually that kindly). I must have been born with too many words, I'm still using too many at a time. :^)

And in spite of all my frustrations, I can calm down and find some gratitude.  I'm grateful I was paying full attention to the traffic around me and have good brakes on my car.  I'm grateful that if I had to fracture a foot that it was my left one, leaving me able to drive.  I'm grateful for a listening ear. And I'm grateful that I can stay home all day and let the tension drain from me and start over fresh tomorrow.

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