Rainy Monday

Clouds, rain = fresh!
And I'm loving having the windows open to smell the freshness.  Most often when it rains around here the raindrops are coming down sideways because of the wind.  Not so today and it's lovely.

Yesterday I was lucky enough to play the piano for both Junior and Senior Primary.  At the very end of all the meetings, the kids were rushing out through the doors, I was playing some postlude for a (hopefully) reverent atmosphere.  One of the boys - I think he's about 9, tapped the piano in passing and called out to me, "Good Job!"

It made me giggle a teensy.  But the more I thought about it, the more impressed I was.  He has learned (from his Mom, I'm sure) to acknowledge efforts by others.  To be grateful for the contributions of everyone.  That's a hugely valuable thing to learn at such a young age.  Good for him!

I'm grateful for kind people.  For the life-giving rain.  For visits from grandchilluns that result in a couple much-longed for hugs.

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