
Funerals are a challenge for me.  I feel so drained for hours afterward.  Our friend's funeral yesterday was no less a challenge than usual, though I wouldn't have wanted to miss it.

I sat in awe of the musical talent we witnessed.  Funerals (at least around here), by design it seems, are pretty much put together in a matter of a few days.  Songs - played or sung (both?) - are especially beautiful when our hearts are softened and receptive.  But even more impressive when I think about how polished everything sounds with only a day or two notice.

I can play the piano some.  And have played lots.  But I sat there yesterday nearly overwhelmed with the musical abilities we heard.  How effortless it seemed for them. Truthfully I can say it wasn't envy I felt. Just complete acknowledgement, admiration, and respect for the beauty that flowed through the air from this family.  How lucky we were to hear it all.

Our daughter was invited to add some of her own lovely flute music.  I doubt I'll ever hear a more beautiful rendition of "Jesus, Once Of Humble Birth".  It will remain a favorite memory of mine.

And a progress report:  The feet are still attached to my legs.  It's been four of the 4 - 6 weeks prescribed in the boot.  The other night, at the four week mark, decided to give the foot a test run on its own, sans boot.  With passable results. Easy to tell, though, that it isn't quite ready to get out on its own full-time. Finally, all the bruising has disappeared.  At least on the sprained ankle/fractured foot.  The one I hurt last week (the good? one)  is now green.  All over.  The black on the toes, though, has faded considerably.  I'm on the mend. S-l-o-w-l-y.

Today I'm grateful for the blessing Heavenly Father gave this world of music.  He knew how valuable a gift it would be.  I'm grateful for the way music lends grace to my life, and for my small musical abilities. I'm grateful for a bit of good news from a son.  I'm grateful for progress (however slow) in healing.  And tonight, for The Husband and his presence near me.

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