It's Been A While..

And I want to capture the happenings of the last little while before I forget.

• The Husband arrived safely home and I slept well that night for the first time since he left.  I crave being with him.

• We had a busy Saturday - church building cleaning, working around the house, catching up on laundry, etc.  Still we managed to get in a movie.

• Fast Sunday birthdays aren't quite as much fun.  Though I still spent some time answering the door and visiting with those kind souls who remembered me on my day.  I have more goodies than I can possibly eat in a rational period of time.  (I've already frozen some for later consumption.)  Was even visited yesterday by my favorite neighbor young ladies who brought smiles and conversation and hugs and made me feel important.
Waving farewell until next time...

• Our oldest daughter (and her family) arrived, bringing her oldest daughter to the MTC before winging off to Iowa for her mission.  How I love seeing our family.

• Family in town meant a micro-family reunion:  dinner at our local Chuck-a-rama.  It was lovely seeing the cousins enjoy each other, watching our adult children and spouses all interact.  We might not be able to spend large chunks of time together but that couple hours was good for my heart.

• Still no luck finding a car for our son and his wife.  Seemingly incessant prayers for heavenly help will surely see results soon.  This is an important thing.  The Husband (and other son) have spent hours looking, likely to spend more time till the right thing happens.

• Ward Music Chair responsibilities have left me feeling a teensy frustrated.  Patience is required.

• Rehearsal for a vocal solo / flute and piano accompaniment have left me feeling hopeful for inviting the Spirit in Sunday's Sacrament meeting.  (Unless her cold impacts her voice too much and we'll have to re-schedule.)

• In summary, it's been a busy week.  I've spent little time on my computer, little time reading, and little time cleaning.  On the other hand, I've spent much time enjoying family, sharing good meals, solving the world's (but not our own) problems through conversations that often last long past normal bedtimes, and ignoring the world around us for a few days.  It's all been just delightful.

I'm grateful today for hugs, hugs and more hugs.  (I wish I'd gotten more of them in my growing up years.) I'm grateful for foot rubs, and morning walks, and birthdays that mean I still have time on this earth to learn and grow (and practice being kind and unselfish). I'm grateful for restaurants where all 16 of us (minus the two that couldn't attend and that we missed greatly) can find something yummy to eat and no one misses out because they're in the kitchen cooking / cleaning up.  I'm grateful for enough bathrooms.  I'm grateful for vacation days from work and for a husband who doesn't shy from whatever it takes to provide for us and solve all the issues we confront. I'm grateful for kind neighbors who share their garden produce: freshly picked tomatoes and cantaloupe are making our tastebuds happy.

I haven't quite finished all that I'm grateful for this morning.  I'm trying to keep those gratitude thoughts at the forefront of my mind, helps me to manage when things conspire to make me lean toward discouragement.  I like what happens when I keep the focus on the abundance of good in my life.  Heavenly Father has created an amazing world.  I'm lucky to be here.

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