Where Does The Time Go?

I've always been fond of September.  While the summer is winding down, there's a beginning to other things: like a new school year, the beginning of cooler nights and often cooler days. The beginning of fall chores - raking leaves, putting gardens to bed.

This last week has seen some fun things:

• Went to lunch with some friends.  Received free cookies in honor of two of us birthday girls.  I like cookies - especially free ones.
Beautiful Sunrise.

• Spent a couple mornings walking on the trail. Shortened walks to be sure, but up with the sun?  A favorite of mine.

• Tried a new-to-us eatery with good results.  We'll go there again.  Love their Reuben sandwich!

• Celebrated our 45th anniversary.  Did we do something special?  Yes, if you count enjoying time together, we did.  Whatever did I do in this life or in the one before this that merited being married to such a gem of a man?  (And I'm guessing in the previous existence he received a couple extra doses of patience - he surely needs it around me.)

• The Husband was lucky enough to find a repair for his "old man glasses" - called that because they're so old-fashioned and out of style.  Yet they remain his favorite in spite of their age.

 Sunset view from our front porch on our anniversary.
I'm lucky enough to be able to choose the hymns for our Sacrament meetings.  I find I most frequently choose ones I like (and yes, they're all my favorites.)  One of today's hymns always reminds me of my Dad - he liked the word tolerance.  Love this verse:  "Fill our hearts with sweet forgiving, teach us tolerance and love. Let our prayers find access to thee in thy holy courts above. Then when we have proven worthy of thy sacrifice divine, Lord, let us regain they presence; let thy glory round us shine. "

Today was a day filled with emotion for me.  I must have been really tense.  It felt like people around me were on the verge of being irritated (by me most likely).  I spoke when I shouldn't have (and more than once).  And received that all too familiar sense of "don't get cocky" -- the lessons in Sunday School: Don't Judge and Relief Society:  Pride -- made me uncomfortable.  I felt like I had a flashing neon sign over my head proclaiming my guilt on both counts.

I'm making use today of the principle of repentance.  And finding gratitude that such an extraordinary thing is available to me.  I'm grateful for a lessening of my limp, an improvement in the pain in both feet.  I'm grateful for September birthdays and anniversaries and the adventure of our marriage.  I'm grateful for people willing to help others, even though it might be difficult or inconvenient.  And I'm hoping for forgiveness.

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