
I grew up in the desert.  It seemed there was always a stiff wind blowing.  I well remember the dust storms - thick grit covering every surface in the house in spite of windows and doors being closed. And how difficult it was to breathe through the hot dusty wind.  There were no gentle breezes there that I can recall, I only remember it always being a full-blown wind.  I quickly learned to despise the wind (and to spend as much time indoors as I could).

We didn't know Draper was windy when we bought our lot to build our house.  Someone should have warned us.

But I've discovered something.  My dislike of the wind varies with the season.  I'm not a "summer" fan - I wilt in heat, have no energy, can't breathe deep, can't sleep well.

Today is our first real taste of fall: clouds, cooler temperatures and windwindwind.  I've been in a great mood all day.  I sat visiting with a friend in her home, looking past her out the window, delighting at the view of the tall cottonwoods off in the distance bowing and waving in the wind.

Wind often means a weather front of some kind.  Today's front brought us a deluge of rain. There's a fun kind of energy in the air around here when it rains.  I think it must be the happiness in the raindrops that nourishes and greens all the plants.

I must have taken 15 or so pictures trying to capture just the right view of the tree bending over.  Couldn't ever quite get it.  I did, though, enjoy standing under the patio roof listening to the thunder knowing I was safe and dry while I tried.  I love the fall wind.  Am looking forward to watching it make the leaves dance and flutter as they fall.  It's a great season.

I am grateful today for a snug home where I am protected.  For friends who so generously share their home-grown tomatoes and Nashi pears and plums.  For laughter with sisters in the gospel.  For clean laundry to fold. And for fall wind.

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