Out With The Old.....

Frost decorates this tree.
And tomorrow will be in with the new - the new year 2016.

Seven o'clock this morning and it was 2 degrees. With about an inch of new snow.  I was totally intrigued by this snow - it was the fluffiest, lightest, most ethereal looking snow I ever remember seeing.  The Husband was excited to be able to use his leaf blower to clear the driveway and sidewalks - a first for him on this last day of the year.
Leaf blower turned to snow blower.

I tried to get a picture of the pines in our back yard - one of the rare times they were covered in frost rather than snow.  By ten a.m. the frost was gone in the face of the sun.  It's such a bright, beautiful day!

I've challenged The Husband to go for a walk with me - at midnight.  To welcome the new year by the light of the moon - if'n we can see it.  He says he's up for it.  We'll see what he says come 11:45 p.m.

And I came across this quote.  I don't know why I haven't seen it before.  I love it.

She felt like doing her part to change the world. So she started by giving thanks for all the blessings in her life, rather than bemoaning all that was missing from it. Then, she complimented her reflection in the mirror, instead of criticizing it as she usually did. Next, she walked into her neighborhood and offered a smile to everyone she passed, whether or not they offered theirs to her. Each day she did these things, and soon they became habit. Each day she lived with more gratitude and acceptance, more kindness. And sure enough, the world around her began to change. Because she had decided so, she was single-handedly doing her part to change it. heart emoticon

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