And The Strangeness Continues

• 5:00 a.m.:  the power goes off.  That's fine for that time of the morning.  By 6:30 I'm phoning the power company, should be back on by 8:30 they say.  It's raining and very blowy/windy outside, so I intended to use the treadmill.  No power, no treadmill, so no exercise for me today.

6 and 1/2 hours later, the power finally comes on.  I was nearly ready to shower even if I couldn't blow my hair dry.

• Wednesday is garbage day for our street.  The garbage truck came barreling down the street, getting the trash from every house - except for ours and our next door neighbor.  What's with that?!?

So out I go in the rain, in my jammies/robe, unshowered, house slippers on my feet and drag the heavy cans across the road for his next pass.  Then stand on the porch in case there is some verbal interaction required.  And....score!! The cans are emptied and can be trundled back to the garage. (Is it just some sort of cosmic coincidence that garage is just garbage without the "b"?)  In all the nearly 15 years of living here, the garbage truck has never-ever skipped our house like that.

Portable Power!  
• I've been asked after by my children, they're so kind to be concerned about me after hearing about my brother.  I was texting and talking so much on my cellphone that I got a teensy anxious about my battery - what with not knowing how long the power was going to be out.  After some simple instruction from The Husband I dragged out his charger and voila!  We were in business again. (Hard for the grandson to be attending his online schoolwork without power/internet access. Angry Birds to the rescue!)

• I've felt like a hamster on his spinning wheel today - going nowhere quite quickly.  Accomplishing absolutely nothing - except to have a fun phone conversation with a dear friend.

And now that all the hubbub has at least momentarily died down I'm feeling at loose ends.  I should do something productive.  My head just isn't into that.  What a luxury to just choose to do...whatever.

• I'm so grateful for our electricity!

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