Sort Of Eventful Weekend and Sad News

• So the Bishop finally decided where to put me.  My new calling(s):  teaching the Gospel Essentials class.  My soul has been yearning for something a bit different.  And this surely is.  It's a calling I've never had.  I promised that while I might not be the most awesome teacher ever, I would surely do my best at being the kind of teacher Heavenly Father hopes for.  Time will tell.  It seems formidable.
Draper Temple off in the near distance.
The other calling is - as expected - ward organist.  The difference is this time there's actually a team of us.  So far three, with more to come.  It won't be a burden on anyone.  This feels so much better. And so right for right now.

• We tried to "cut the cord" with the cable company.  At least the tv portion.  Didn't work out this time.  But we are primed and ready with our OTA (over-the-air) antenna The Husband had the foresight to install in the attic when we built the house. Reception is great.  We'll likely be "friends" with Comcast for the foreseeable future with our internet.  That's fine.  It's been super reliable.  It's all good.

• Was pleased to be out walking this morning.  I love this view of the Draper Temple from the trail.  The camera makes it look so far away, but really, it's much closer.

• The sad news: my brother passed away this morning.  It makes me so sad that our family has been so fractured for so many years.  This brother called me every year on my birthday - first thing in the morning he'd be on the phone telling me a couple of his (laughably lame) jokes.  It won't be the same without him.  (That makes two of my four deceased siblings who have succumbed to the effects of a stroke.) I've always envied those whose families are tightly knit.

Talking with my niece this morning, she told me her Grandmother died on Sunday and then her Dad (my brother) this morning.  My heart hurts for her.  She's forging ahead with grace accomplishing the tough things.  Her Dad and Mom would be pleased.

• I routinely pray for others - my family (individually and collectively - generally and specifically) and friends, the sisters I visit teach,  for church and civic leaders - there's always someone who needs Heavenly help.  I love requesting it on their behalf.  Recently I was told (a couple times) that someone had prayed for me.  For me?! Words cannot express the warmth in my heart from hearing that someone prayed for me. It overwhelmed my heart. If that's what happens when I pray for others, I will definitely continue the practice! Hearts overwhelmed with good are a blessing.

• Which reminds me of this passage by Elder Jeffrey Holland.  What a powerful image.

In the gospel of Jesus Christ you have help from both sides of the veil, and you must never forget that. When disappointment and discouragement strike--and they will--you remember and never forget that if our eyes could be opened we would see horses and chariots of fire as far as the eye can see riding at reckless speed to come to our protection. They will always be there, these armies of heaven, in defense of Abraham's seed.”

• I'm so grateful for prayer.  For Heavenly Father's divine plan and the hope it gives.

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