
There are some days that come along that just tug at your heartstrings.  I've had a couple of those tugs today.

I received this very sweet card in the mail.  How lovely that someone thought to send a card to me, knowing that the death of a sibling is hard even though that sibling relationship might not be close.  It still is hard, there are regrets.

Tomorrow is our oldest son's birthday.  He sent these flowers to me, in the cutest jar - says Jardin on it (meaning garden).  I love flowers.  I love their happy faces and sweet scent.  I love how they brighten a room/yard. And I love that to me they represent life / hope.  Thanks, Son, Happy Birthday.

I took a deep breath, took my time and took a different route on my morning walk.  Ended up going about 4 1/2 miles.  The longest walk I've had since "the sprain/fracture" episode of last summer.  It was a delightful walk.  Heavenly Father surely blessed this world.

Last night we went to Hale and saw the cutest play - Beau Jest.  How fun it was to sit and laugh together about the foibles of human nature. I liked that there was an emphasis on honesty and forgiveness. (And when we picked up our tickets at "will call" The Husband made the young lady behind the counter laugh, she said it made her night better.  Even though I've heard that particular joke countless times, I was glad to hear it again if it made her smile.  Well done, My Love.)

Image result for optimist cha cha And I've been thinking a lot lately about agency.  And our experience on this earth.  I wonder if Heavenly Father watches us as we (hopefully) learn and grow.  Does He ache as He watches us stumble - make the wrong choices, hurt another (whether intentional or even when we might have good intentions, though they're totally misplaced), try to force our ideas or thoughts on others or try to make them agree with us or refuse to admit that we could possibly be wrong about something?

How grateful I am for that agency.  And for the repentance and gratitude that are an integral part of that agency.  For the knowledge that I only have to do my own very best and let others figure things out on their own - even when I might be the recipient of their thoughtlessness or unkindness. That lesson/knowledge often includes steps forward accompanied by steps back.  I like this quote.  I like the sense of hope that inspires.

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