Did I? Or Didn't I?

You know it's going to be an interesting day when you can't remember stuff.  Important stuff.

• Was invited to provide some goodies for a meeting.  Sure!  I'll take the easy route:  packaged brownies with mint frosting.  Everyone likes those, right?  Grabbed a box of brownie mix off the shelf and got busy.  Remembering to follow the high altitude directions I pulled out the flour, measured the required 1/3 c.  And then - have no idea what happened to the flour.  Holding the liquid over the bowl to add to the dry ingredients I did a double take.  This doesn't look like there's any white flour amidst the chocolate mix.  I clearly remember measuring out the 1/3 cup.  What did I do with it?

Solution?  I added 1/3 c flour to the mix.  It's done baking now, and looks normal.  We'll see how it tastes.  If I measured out the flour then dumped it back in the container then it's gonna be a scary day - because I'll be second guessing every single action!

Yesterday morning's clouds.
• Update:  the furnaces seem to be working fine, especially nice now that the weather is turning warmer.  Yeah, I'm often "late to the party". (sarcasm intended.)

This a.m.'s setting moon.
• Have walked the trail the last two days.  Have loved it.  Woke up on Monday morning without the slightest desire to do anything other than roll over and snore some more.  That's strange for me.  I attribute that attitude to this silly sinus thing.  I have been frustrated in my efforts to feel well again. Until... I decided to take a radical approach.  Decided to try a sinus rinse.  Yes, it's weird.  Feels strange.  But I can say with full confidence that my sinuses are feeling better than they have in weeks. It isn't necessarily a pleasant routine, but I'm not taking any antihistamines or decongestants.  I've even slept better.  I'll keep up the experiment to see if I can't effect some permanent improvement.

• Sunday's lesson in S. S. went ok. (This particular calling weighs heavily on my mind all the time.) The Bishop decided to attend which really increased my anxiety. But all were kind and participated. I hope to improve at leading these weekly discussions as time goes on.

• I so loved this comic strip from today's paper.  We've all felt that way a time or two.

• We had a visit from our son & daughter-in-law and the grandboy.  It seems like a goal to make him laugh, he has such a cute giggle.  How delightful to spend some time with them, I'm grateful that they make the effort to keep in touch.

And I can't remember if I've shared this quote by Erma Bombeck.  I think there's a whole generation out there that doesn't even know who she is, but she was one of my favorite.  I'd like to think she's still creating laughter up in heaven.

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'. Erma Bombeck

Today I'm grateful for clearer sinuses.  For the luxury of being at home with The Husband every day. For flowers.  And for things that touch my heart.

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