
So, The Husband took Friday off to get some stuff done - and wow! did he ever accomplish stuff!

He hooked up the new modem (so we can quit paying rental on it to Comcast), repaired the humidifiers (we refused to pay the furnace guy another penny for something he could do himself), installed the weather station he received for Christmas (the snow has finally melted enough that he could get out and mount it), went out visiting with the full-time missionaries - and that's just the stuff I can remember off the top of my head.  We both loved having that extra day.

We saw a movie over the weekend:  Eddie The Eagle and it was delightful.  Nice to come away feeling upbeat and encouraged.

The biggest embarrassment of the weekend?  My lack of preparation for my Sunday School class. I arrived at church to find out I'd been misinformed (more than once) about not having class. Totally caught off guard, unprepared and not a little embarrassed, I forged ahead.  Consistency is important. It went ok, I have some wonderful class members who willingly pitched in for a good discussion.  I came away with a mighty big stress-headache and a big lesson learned.

Spring and hope:  a delightful combination!
I kept my eyes wide open on my morning walk.  The globe willows are no longer brown branch color.  They are tinged with green.  The creek was running free, no ice or snow and the ducks were quacking good morning to each other. I see bulbs coming up and trees with buds.  Spring is on its way. I love the hope that creates.  (Of course, I dread the following season of summer and its heat - but I'll enjoy the spring while it lasts!)

And the week stretches ahead.  There's no danger of running out of things to do - required or desired.

The nicest thing over the last several days?  I received a text the other night.  Someone telling me I "rock"!  An unexpected attaboy somehow carries a lot of weight.

I'm grateful today for church class members who rally around when I'm a flustered mess.  For unexpected attaboys.  For a husband who eats whatever I serve, even when it's prepared in a less than optimal manner (i.e. burned). For morning walks that feed my soul. For sweet hugs from fellow church members that make me feel more like a friend than an acquaintance.  And for kind words.

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