Conference Weekend

I confess:  one of the reasons I've been anticipating this weekend was that it meant I didn't have to teach Sunday School.  Teaching is such a challenge for me.

How delighted I am to find that that reason flew away into the clouds as I have listened to the words that have once again brought hope to my heart.  It all started with the opening prayer yesterday morning where it was mentioned that we come to conference to "deepen our discipleship" (which phrase was repeated again by Elder Bednar, I think, later in the day).

I loved Steven E. Snow's talk on humility - it always seems to reach my heart better when those inspirational words are tied to music that I so love.

And Pres. Uchtdorf always incorporates hope.  He said "It is by obedience that we gather light into our souls".  I've long believed that the choice to be obedient is key / fundamental to our returning to our Heavenly Father.  I want my soul to be light-filled.

The music sung in the Priesthood session last night was the absolute best.  Followed by the songs this morning.  I so enjoy when the MoTab Choir sings the music in a more thoughtful way.  Oh, the large, loud big numbers can be fun.  But they don't often sing in a quieter more contemplative way.  I love it when they do.  "Oh, Thou Rock Of Our Salvation" today was especially pretty.

Friday afternoon we got to hold/cuddle/admire the newest grandson.  He's such a delight!  Of course, we enjoyed seeing his parents, too.

The Husband spent most of the day yesterday working in the yard - mowing, edging, blowing.  The grass is w-a-y greener than I expected.  The bleeding hearts have buds on them, the peonies are taller by the minute, the daffodils have brought the color of sunshine to ground-level and today is expected to be 70 degrees outside.  By the end of the week spring will have fully and completely embraced our little corner of the world.  So incredibly lovely.

I borrowed The Husband's phone to snap this picture of three of my orchids.  The burgundy one has 14 blooms with another 10 - 14 buds that could potentially bloom.  Flowers so happify our home.

I'm so grateful for Conference.  For the ability to sit in the peace of our home and let the messages surround us.  I'm grateful for a husband that has such a commitment to the gospel.  And for spring!

P.S.  And now at the end of the day - I wouldn't have missed hearing Jeffrey R. Holland for anything. He always inspires / encourages / uplifts and with great articulation.  Conference was great, I'm already looking forward to the next one.

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