Mid Week Delivery

I see hope in those clouds.
Had to smell the lilacs.
So, I've been tracking my new phone...all the way across the world.  It is "out for delivery" today and I am pretty excited. Something new is always so fun. Now if only I can figure out how to use it?

My morning walks continue to be the uplifting preparation for the day.  The last few days I've snagged some shots of the beauty that surrounds us - gifts from our Heavenly Father.  I love the music of the birds greeting the day (or are they simply greeting each other?). I didn't realize how blurry that photo with the lilacs was - the lane is a connector from a street up to the trail that is lined on one side by yard/horse pasture and on the other with many lilac bushes just coming in to bloom.  I had to walk nearly the length of it to fill up my nose lilac scent to remember for a while.  I think I'll leave the blurry picture on there.  (I never professed to be anything like proficient at taking pictures, just something I do for fun.)

This cat thought it was invisible.
This tree smells heavenly.
Still thinking about a conversation I had with a friend on Sunday.  We were talking about playing special musical numbers.  I had mentioned that my only hope was to enhance the worship in the meeting that I had no need to be in front of people doing something that ties my stomach in knots. She concurred, saying that it's an act of service that benefits everyone.  Hmm. Hadn't ever thought of those musical numbers in the perspective of service.  I love thinking of it that way.

I'm grateful that there's a way that Heavenly Father can use me in service.  I like to be needed (especially at my advancing age). I'm grateful for the gray, stormy day.  It has a beauty all its own that reminds us with its contrast to equally enjoy the sunshine. I'm grateful for a greeting hug that never fails to warm my heart.

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