New Phone, New Camera

Little Cottonwood Canyon under those clouds.
So, this will be the first time for photos from my new phone.  I spent most of the afternoon yesterday figuring things out, though I'm pretty sure I have a long way to go.  I've got a video to watch from Apple that will likely be beneficial to this tech-challenged iPhone owner.  (And yes, I'm going to love it, but I'm still missing my Android phone!  I loved it, too!)  I'm being super careful with this one until the case arrives.

Another cat thinking it's invisible.
The Husband and I are in the middle of our annual spring ritual.  Whenever we're out and about if he hears me call out "lilacs" he quick-as-a-wink pulls the car over and I jump out to bury my nose in the fragrant blooms.  With a huge smile on my face.  Breathing in s-l-o-w-l-y and deeply, imprinting that lilac smell in my memory.

Smells heavenlly.
Came home this morning from my walk with a couple blossom clusters (yes, I kiped them.  The bush was on public greenspace so I helped myself to a teensy branch.)  Our grandson wandered by and asked what they were.  When encouraged to smell them he said, "oh, I like it".  Yay for lilacs!

It's another rainy day, the sunrise was fabulous - my walk took place before the rain came, I like to think it waited just for me.  What a blessing to be able to begin my day this way, I love my morning walks.

I'm grateful for a new phone - what a luxury!  I'm grateful for someone that takes such good care of me.  I'm grateful for good books to read and for personal delivery of them from the library.  For pictures of the grandson.  For texts from loved ones.  For rain and for flowers.

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