Feeling Odd

Morning after Christmas
And I totally know I've posted about feeling a bit odd before - kind of out of synch.  Is that my new normal?  :^]

So we had a nice Christmas.  We got to see the local grandchildren, except for the one that's with his parents at her folks' place in CA.  I'm glad they got to be with her family.  But it was a weird day. Church in the morning, and it wouldn't be church at Christmastime without music.  We woke up to snow and more snow.  The Husband was over at the church helping to clear the walks (thankfully they hire out the parking lot and it was done pretty well) at 5 a.m.   He shoveled and plowed our driveway several times throughout the day.  I think the grand total was over a foot of fresh snow. And very cold.

Cute new socks!
After church we opened gifts and enjoyed lots of treats, including a new-to-me recipe (croissants stuffed with sauteed mushrooms, fresh spinach and gruyere cheese, topped with an egg/milk mixture and baked) that may or may not be repeated.  It was ok, tasted good, but not as fabulous as I'd hoped.

A few of the birdies.
I think everyone was pretty happy with their gifts.  I wish it weren't so expensive to mail things to the out of state children.  I'm determined to do better at their Christmas next year.  Where can I buy some of the creativity that is so prevalent in others?

We didn't even have a Christmas dinner, didn't eat any dinner at all, really.  So it was a bit strange, but peaceful and that's the very best part for me.

It's really pretty in the sunlight, with the birds chattering.
The birdies are loving the feeders, especially with all the snow.  I tried multiple times to capture the sheer numbers of juncos and finches, but didn't have the patience to stand out there in the cold.  The Husband was smarter than me, he just took pictures from me through the window.

I received some great new Stance socks.  Didn't even know about this brand until lately, what a luxurious gift - high end socks.  And some new earmuffs that will stay on my ears that I'm anxious to try out now that the trail has been cleared of most of the snow.

I relaxed quite a bit yesterday and am ready to dive in to packing up Christmas.  I hardly put anything out this year, a few nativities, the tree and the stockings.  I like less and less fuss as I age.  Simple is wonderful.

I'm so grateful for a sense of peace and contentment.  For texts and emails from loved ones.  For good health (knocking on wood).  For receiving thoughtful gifts.  For my treadmill when the trail is slick. And for the beauties of nature, no matter the season.

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