
Woke up and headed anxiously to the window.  Can I walk today?  Visibility isn't great, but the pavements are dry.  So, yes, I'm going. And it was lovely.  I had the trail all to myself.  It was warm enough to be without my gloves - though the hat and earmuffs were on and off (and on and off).  I was almost home when the snow started to fall.  Perfect timing.

Funeral on today's agenda for someone.
My walk took me past the Stake Center.  Apparently they're having a funeral today.  The casket was sitting outside the building waiting to be rolled in.  Made my heart hope for peace for the mourners. Funerals can be so hard.

And tomorrow is a friend's birthday.  I've had a hankering to try making fudge again.  It's been almost a year since my last mostly successful attempt.  And she loves chocolate.  So I thought I'd make some to give. Got it all done and watched with anxiety--I had a feeling I hadn't cooked it quite long enough. Google to the rescue - nearly all the answers to my query about non-setting fudge said to just cook it again.  Since I figured I'd be tossing the non-set fudge anyway, I hadn't much to lose, so back in the pot it went.  And I cooked it to a bit higher temp (with proper adjustment for our altitude). And then stirred.  And stirred.  I have a faint vague recollection of my mom telling my sister to keep stirring, stir till the gloss is gone.  I gave it a good try.
Yes, that's my fudge.

And I think I've got it.  It's in the pan cooling.  But it looked pretty well set.  The leavings I scraped from the pan taste scrumptilicious.  And since the product was already smooth, not grainy, I don't think I have anything to worry about there.  In a few hours I'll try to cut it and see how we did.  Her birthday is tomorrow so I've time to make another batch if I need.  

The thing is?  I really ever only want a taste so a whole batch is w-a-y too much for us. 

And speaking of kitchen attempts, I made a big pot of clam chowder last night.  It's been years since I made it.  And while it wasn't awful (actually, it tasted pretty ok) The Husband wasn't quite as enthusiastic as he usually is when something is a hit.  I'll probably have to try it again, though the clams aren't my favorite (yes, I know it's called clam chowder, I love the flavor just not the texture of the clams). And next time I'll try to figure out how to make a half recipe.  We'll be eating this clear till next January unless I reduce the quantity.

The grandson was a trouper - he shoveled the entire driveway and front walk.  And though it's still snowing, right now it's warm enough that it's just slush.  We've learned from past snow that removing those first few inches are critical.  Thanks, Bud, you did some great service.

And I'm grateful today for successful kitchen attempts.  For a walk that put my heart and head in a great mood. For birthdays to celebrate. And for fudge that tastes good.

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