Scattered Thoughts, Motto For the Year, New Recipe

So, my mind is all over the place.  I wonder if there is anything of value in all those scattered thoughts?

Corner Canyon yesterday 7 a.m.
• My walk yesterday morning because of time constraints was quick.  But I loved this view of Corner Canyon.  We do live in a beautiful world.

Not my favorite cake.
• Saw a recipe that I just had to make.  Sounded so yummy.  The end result, yummy enough I guess.  Just not yummy enough to make a second time.  The description was that the cake was really more of a cross between a cake and a brownie.  It was too dense for me.  The flavor was fine, the texture not my favorite.  That recipe was dumped as was the rest of the cake.  But at least now I know not to try that one again.

• Came across this shirt in a catalog.  And I agree.

Yep, good advice.
• I've long believed that FaceBook is a problem.  I've never been the fan that it seems like everyone else is.  (Yes, I continue to be an independent thinker.) I've often voiced the thought that FB is more detrimental than beneficial.  It was nice to see that someone else thinks kinda the same.  I'd be interested to see what other people think about this as well.

FaceBook Antidote

• I've been intrigued lately by so many people I hear that aren't making New Year's Resolutions (yes, I realize the month is a third over, but it's never to late for improvement, is it?), they're adopting a motto for the year instead.  I love that thought. I tried it once a few years ago.  My motto was to "Be Amazing."  Yeah, that didn't work.  I don't know how to be amazing. But I've been reading about Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley in the Jan. issue of the Ensign magazine.  He was such an optimist - about like The Husband is.  Always looking for the good, and cheerful about the future.  Pres. Hinckley's overall motto seemed to be "Things Will Work Out." What an attitude of hope.  Thinking things will all work out implies that everything will be ok.  This perspective also includes faith. Faith that our Heavenly Father is watching out for us and wants the best for us.  Does this mean that we can sit idly by and expect Heavenly Father to do all the work?  I believe this attitude means that things will work out because we work hard at working them out.  We do our best, hope for the best and have faith that the best will win out. I like it.  I think I'll work on thinking that every day this year.  Things will work out.

Today I'm grateful for a husband that encourages me to try new things:  activities, projects, recipes. I'm grateful that he's always up for something new whether it's his new thing, or my new thing. I'm grateful for friends that want to go out with us this weekend.  I'm grateful for showers - I never, ever want to smell like the woman I was near in the grocery yesterday.  She was pleasant, had a smile and was chatting sweetly with her toddler in the cart, but I could almost see the odor cloud around her. It was mighty strong. I'm grateful for the sunshine that peeks through the rain clouds giving me hope for a sunshine lift to my spirits.  I never mind the rain, just like the way the sun brightens life after the rain.

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