Long Weekend

And that means I'm confused again.  It messes with my head when there's a Monday holiday.  But, the good news is, The Husband took the day off!  And what did we do?  Basically nothing.  Neither one of us could come up with something fun.  Neither of us cares to shop, and I dislike spending money.  So we slept in, sat around, chatted, ran to the doctor appointment The Husband had and then used a gift card for some pizza.  So all around, a fairly successful day.  No schedules, no "hurry ups" and no pressure.  I think The Husband liked it.

Soon the blooms will appear (hopefully!).
So we went to dinner and a movie with friends on friday evening and had a grand time. Birthdays are always a good reason to get together.  Saturday we used a gift card for food at Cheesecake Factory - and it was pretty tasty.  Sunday's outing was church.  Which made yesterday's quiet day just right.

In fact, The Husband's blood pressure at the doctor yesterday was 116/78.  Awesome!  That must mean he was truly relaxing.  He's worked hard for lots of years, he deserves some down time.

Today was lunch-out-with-a-friend-day for me.  I so thoroughly enjoyed it.  She's dear to me and even though she lives a bit farther away now I hope we continue our lunches.  I need that uplift!

And today we're seeing sunshine! The January inversion has sometimes lasted for the whole month. This year we're lucky enough to have a few series of storms that keep the air mixed up just enough that we don't all die of asphyxiation or sun deficiency.  There's only been a couple days so far when the morning air was murky enough that I declined to go out and breathe it.  And I call that a good January.

The paperwhites are also enjoying the sunshine.  I hadn't much hope they'd grow and bloom.  The blooming thing has yet to materialize, but the growth progress is fairly visible from day to day.  What a fun gift.  I'm anxious to see the flowers!

I'm grateful for lunches out with friends I care for.  I'm grateful for a washer and dryer that haven't yet completely given up (and I'm knocking on wood for luck).  I'm grateful for sunshine in winter.  For warm sweaters.  For pipes that aren't frozen.  And for dinner that's almost ready.

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